Break the Cycle Designated Fund
Established: December 21, 2006
The Break the Cycle Endowment Fund is a designated fund, benefiting the Giving Circle of HOPE, a giving circle at the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia.The Giving Circle of HOPE creates positive change in Northern Virginia through engaged and collective philanthropy. This giving circle awards grants to nonprofit organizations for specific programs that help people in need in Northern Virginia and organizes service and fundraising events.
On an annual basis, 5% of funds from the Break the Cycle Endowment Fund are distributed to the Giving Circle of HOPE. The mission of the Break the Cycle Endowment Fund is to grow the capacity of the Giving Circle of HOPE to support programs that contribute to reducing the problem of teen pregnancy.
Some examples of prior Giving Circle of HOPE grants made possible by distributions from the Break the Cycle Endowment Fund include:
- The “Girls on the Run” program at Weems Elementary School, Manassas, Va. - building self-esteem and providing mentors to this at risk age group of girls.
- FACETS “Youth Leadership Project” – empowering youth to learn positive peer leadership roles that then encourage other young adults (their peers) to make safe and healthy decisions in their lives.
- Alexandria Commission on Teen Pregnancy – providing funds for the production of teen written and directed short films exposing the realities and hardships of teen pregnancy.
Please contribute generously.