Giving & Investing

Denise Dowse Drama Scholarship Fund

Established: July 11, 2023

DDDSF_image.jpegThe Denise Dowse Drama Scholarship Fund benefits graduating drama and drama technology seniors of  Carter G. Woodson High School (formerly W.T. Woodson High School) who possess a passion for the performing arts, volunteerism, leadership, mentorship, and an unselfish, giving spirit.

This fund was established by  Carter G. Woodson High School (formerly W.T. Woodson High School) alumni (1976), family, and friends of Denise Dowse, a talented actor, director, mentor, and advocate for the performing arts.

Prior to the establishment of an endowed fund at CFNOVA, awards were presented by The Denny Dowse Project to the following Carter G. Woodson High School (formerly W.T. Woodson High School) seniors:
 2023  Lacey Vailikit   University of Cincinnati  $500
 2023  Hana Kewaisy  University of Virginia  $500

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