Thomas Johnson Education and Enrichment Memorial Fund
Established: December 7, 2021
The Thomas Johnson Education and Enrichment Memorial Fund was established to honor Thomas Johnson, a lifelong teacher, mentor, and force of nature.
When not teaching, he spent years as director of recreation at the Gum Springs "rec" center and others throughout Alexandria. He left a lasting impression on those he encountered and helped transform lives. He also had his own lawn business and was often spotted cutting grass in local neighborhoods.

Above all else, Thomas believed hard work and best effort were keys to success in life. He encouraged students, rec center kids, and his own children to always do their best. This fund will carry forth that tradition by supporting annual effort-based scholarships for a graduating senior at both West Potomac and Hayfield. Effort is the primary criteria for the scholarship awards, regardless of actual academic achievement, and recipients can use the money to pursue 4-year, 2-year, or vocational education. The fund will also support STEM programs/activities and other enrichment opportunities for children, particularly those in low-income and underserved areas.