Dear, Community Foundation Staff, and Board Members,
I would like to thank the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia for welcoming me as the Summer Research and Marketing Intern. Though this internship was virtual, I was fortunate enough to learn many new skills, see different perspectives, and meet some amazing community members.
Over these past months, I enjoyed working on various educational projects that have helped me better understand the region I have called home for so long. I was able to do research on some important issues in the area like early education and equity. The statistics behind these topics were eye-opening and thought-provoking. Doing this work in a local setting taught me that data plays such an important and valuable role in our everyday lives. This made me even more eager to share our findings with the community as well. As I worked on reports, I could already tell that I was improving my research and writing skills, especially with the help of my supervisors, Tara Nadel and Elizabeth Hughes.
Further, I appreciated being a part of the planning process for events like Build Back – Dream Forward: Supporting Minority-Owned Businesses in Northern Virginia and 2021 Raise the Region Gala. In addition to working on visual presentations and videos from home, I was also able to go on location to assist behind the scenes at video shoots. I had the unique experience of working on a set and seeing the editing process. At the same time, I was able to visit beautiful corners of Northern Virginia that I had never seen before and meet many inspiring local leaders. I got to hear many unforgettable stories and learn about all the amazing work that is being done right here in our own backyards.
As the summer comes to an end, I will be reflecting upon all the valuable lessons I have learned in my short time with the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia. The guidance and encouragement that this team has provided me with over these past months have been so helpful. I am leaving with so many insights and great memories. I am very grateful that I was able to have such an amazing experience thanks to the wonderful staff, Board of Directors, and community.
A Fond Farewell from Summer Intern Donya
August 23, 2021