The Community Foundation for Northern Virginia, a trusted leader in philanthropy in the region announced today the opening of the 2022 grant cycles for its Community Investment Funds (CIF), The Environment Fund, and The Ross-Roberts Fund for the Arts. The Community Foundation conducts several discretionary grant cycles each year that help meet critical needs and seed innovative solutions to complex social problems across the region.
These three funds are the signature grant cycles managed by the Community Foundation in which funds are invested in organizations serving the Northern Virginia community in the areas of Aging, Arts, Child and Youth Development, Education, Environment, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Lamond Fund to Benefit Children and Youth in Alexandria and Fairfax County, Mental Health, Military Personnel & Families, and Safety Net Fund to Support Basic Needs.
In 2021, the Community Foundation awarded $548,450 through these funds to 39 local organizations providing critical services and basic needs assistance to residents throughout Northern Virginia.
The Environment Fund, which was launched in 2018 funds projects that protect, restore, and improve Northern Virginia’s natural environment, thereby enhancing the health and quality of life of its citizens and the economy of the region. The Ross-Roberts Fund for the Arts, which was also launched in 2018 with a legacy gift supports arts and culture in Northern Virginia.
Today, Sari Raskin, Vice President of Grants and Community Leadership, and Jennifer Cochran, Manager of Grants and Scholarships, presented a webinar to share details of this year's priority focus areas and funding amounts available. Slides from this presentation are available here, and you may watch a recording of the full webinar.
The deadline to apply is 5:00 pm on Thursday, February 3, 2022. If you have questions please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Community Foundation Opens Three 2022 Grant Cycles
January 5, 2022