The Community Foundation for Northern Virginia, the leader in local philanthropy in the region, today announced the recipients of the 2021 Micron Opportunity Fund Grant. This year, Micron provided a total of $14,000 for two grants. The winners are Rosie Riveters Programming for Produce, and Fairfax County Public Schools Luther Jackson Middle School ESTEEM Center for Equity in STEM and English Greenhouse Ecosystems Lab. Each program will receive a grant of $7,000.
The Rosie Riveters Programming for Produce is a pilot program that will use STEM via coding and computer science to engage approximately 90 students in the 2nd through 8th grade to address food insecurity issues in high-need communities.
"We're excited to once again partner with Micron to deliver quality early STEM education to children in Northern Virginia. Rosie Riveters' Programming for Produce uses STEM - via coding and computer science - to address food insecurity issues in high-need communities by empowering its youngest members with the tools to make a difference,” said Brittany Greer, Executive Director and founder of Rosie Riveters. “We look forward to developing, implementing, and expanding this program with our community partners and participants."
At Luther Jackson Middle School the grant will support a project that will teach STEM and communication through the study of ecosystems to 4,500 Fairfax public school students in 5th through 12th grades.
“Luther Jackson Middle’s ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math focuses on nurturing and encouraging our students into STEM education and career tracks,” said Mark Smith, Center Director at Luther Jackson Middle School. “The Micron grant along with a matching grant from Northrop Grumman Corporation will allow us to build a greenhouse that will provide a science and engineering platform for our work in ecosystems, including vertical farming and aquaponics.”
The grantees were selected through a competitive grant process, applications were received and reviewed from nonprofits and school systems in our region that provide education, skills acquisition, and mentoring for underrepresented and under-funded student populations in STEM fields. The 2021 Micron Opportunity Fund grants committee made up of Community Foundation donors and community leaders (including STEM experts) made the selection.
To learn more about the Micron Opportunity Fund please visit
Two Nonprofits Awarded 2021 Micron Opportunity Fund Grants
August 20, 2021