The Escalating Climate Change Impacts Throughout Virginia

Aug 21, 2024 12:00 PM

wetlands watch bannerHow the Philanthropic Sector is Responding, and What You Can Do To Help

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

12:00 - 1:00 pm
ZOOM (Link will be shared with registered guests)

In this presentation, Mary-Carson Stiff, the Executive Director of Wetlands Watch, will sketch out how climate change is dramatically affecting Virginia’s geography, infrastructure, economy, and natural resources. She will explore the many ways in which the philanthropic sector is working to address these challenges, and talk about ways you can help.

Speaker Bio

mary carson stiffMary-Carson Stiff is the Executive Director of Wetlands Watch. She is Vice-Chair of the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation, a Certified Floodplain Manager, and serves on the Technical Advisory Committee of Virginia's Coastal Resilience Master Plan. Mary-Carson obtained a J.D. in 2013 from William & Mary Law School and a B.A. from Bates College in 2008.

Wetlands Watch

Wetlands WatchSoon entering into its twenty-fifth year, Wetlands Watch is a 501(c)(3) that seeks to enhance natural resilience, bolster community adaptation efforts, and protect and restore wetlands throughout Virginia. We advance climate adaptation by working collaboratively with a wide variety of stakeholders, and by implementing solution-focused strategies that are unconstrained by institutional silos.

Organizational Values

At Wetlands Watch, we foster collaboration, embrace adaptive change, take calculated risks, prioritize solutions, and are biased toward action.

Online registration is closed for this event.