of the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia

The Community Foundation for Northern Virginia is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (51-0232459). It remains in compliance with IRS regulations as well as with the National Standards for Community Foundations, maintaining full and complete financial transparency updating policies pertaining to its investments, gift and fund acceptance, donor privacy, and grantmaking activity from donor established funds.

Details for each of these are available below.

Financial Statements

Grants and Scholarships

The Community Foundation awarded more than $7.0 million in grants and scholarships during FY 2023.

Charitable Assets

The Community Foundation reported approximately $90 million in managed charitable assets on June  30, 2023.

Gifts and Bequests

The Community Foundation received approximately $10 million in gifts and bequests during FY 2023.

Financial Documents

Community Foundation Policies

Governing and IRS Documents